Monday 3 March 2014

The blue canvas

The blue canvas,which I see
Looking out of the window
Full of white strokes
Which changes from time to time

Sometimes long strokes, like done hastily.
At other times, like herd
Of sheep grazing
Or at times,like a castle or palace

Many a time,the canvas is empty
Makes me  think,the artist is not in mood to paint
But that sheer blueness is  pleasing to watch
Really makes my mind calm....

The canvas is always there,
Giving new thoughts each and every moment....

Thursday 2 January 2014


today morning ,it was very chilly cold,and the sky was mostly dark with grey 6.45am,the sun was coming out slowly....and the first rays were peeping out from behind the was a spectacular sight to see.....and the rays gave the edges of the grey clouds a silver tint,and they were looking like white houses on top of grey mountains................

while was i immersed in that sight,out of no where came an airplane like a silver streak passing through.................i thought i was very lucky to have witnessed such a beautiful morning............which gave me the inspiration to write this......................

Thursday 26 December 2013

I thought ,i'll post some of my experiments with cooking,but my first attempt was a failure....
so venturing into my second attempt,donno how it'll come out....
garlic bread rolls

garlic bread rolls
i hav to say that they came out nicely.............and everyone loved it,including hubby..............

Thursday 31 October 2013

Today 31st October,I am entering to the world of I see the bright blue sky out of  my window,many things come to my mind to write.....feels like a new experience like when u r going to read a new book......